Art 1 Syllabus

Art 1 Syllabus

Art 1 is an introductory level course designed to help students develop basic art skills and problem-solving techniques with an emphasis on 2-dimensional design and visual composition. The curriculum is broad and challenging, with a specific focus on the Elements and Principles of Design.


Students will create a collection of original and interesting artworks that embody an understanding of the Elements and Principles of Design, utilizing a variety of art media to place them into a 2D context. Students will also learn to use appropriate art terminology in objective analysis of artwork and discuss the use of the Elements and Principles in historical and cultural examples.


1.SAFETY: Students, teachers and guests will treat all materials, tools and situations with safety as the number one priority.
2.RESPECT (vt) to consider worthy of high regard
   2.Other students
   4.Artwork/Art materials
   5.Personal and public property

Be on time, ready to learn, in your seat, quiet, with the class materials by the time the bell rings. Students will not be excused from class unless absolutely necessary and only with a pass. Take care of all personal business outside of class time. Use appropriate language at all times. Abuse of materials and classroom environment will not be tolerated. Students will all participate in cleanup at the end of each class session. Each student is responsible for everyone’s mess. This means you help each other clean up and put away all materials in their proper place. All school and district policies are enforced in this classroom.


Numerous sources and criteria are used in the development of the Art 1 curriculum, including but not exclusive to the following: The State of Texas Curriculum Guide, National Standards (from the National Art Education Association), Standards, professional journals, textbook objectives, Advanced Placement Studio Art requirements, college portfolio requirements, curriculum alignment guide and bubble gum wrappers. Assignments include, but are not limited to the following: awareness and sensitivity to natural and man-made environments, examination of a variety of objects, exploration and application of the elements and principles of design, inventive and imaginative expression through art materials and tools, creation and development of artwork utilizing a variety of materials, appreciation of art of the past and present, pooka portraits, and aesthetic growth through visual discrimination and judgment. Media-based projects are based on a Pre-AP initiative, using strategies and tools needed to engage students in active, high-level learning. Art 1 is the 2-D foundation level of the vertically aligned curriculum at Spring High School.


Expectations of students are based on entry-level skills. Students have different degrees of skill, but each one’s experience is valued and the teacher will build upon what the student already knows. Therefore, STUDENTS CANNOT COMPARE GRADES! Each individual project will have a rubric specific to that project for grading purposes. The assignment can be broken down into smaller objectives which can be graded by me or evaluated by the student. For example, a lesson on the element of space might be to create a work that involves containing or surrounding an object. Most projects are worth between 100 and 200 points, depending on the length and depth of the project. Sculpture 1 should be an enjoyable, enriching experience. In order for students to earn the privilege of using art materials and working in a studio environment, they must follow the rules and understand that while many of the projects are fun and hands-on, art class is not playtime. It is my hope that students will learn to enjoy art at many different levels. With an open mind and a willingness to learn, anyone can be taught. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. My planning period is 4th period. I look forward to working with your student this year.


1. Wear Protective Equipment - ALL students MUST always have on goggles, mask and apron/workshirt when drilling, cutting or carving materials (plaster, wire, metal, wood, etc.). Don’t wear sandals, flipflops or open-toed shoes.

2. Use proper techniques and procedures- These will be discussed daily with students as they are applicable to certain projects, as well as posted throughout the room.
3. Know the locations and use of ALL safety equipment - exits, fire extinguisher, nurse station, goggles, aprons/shirts, etc.

4. Be Alert, Serious and Responsible NEVER1. Eat, chew gum or drink at any time in the classroom2. Clutter your work area.3. Use materials in any inappropriate way, shape or manner.4. Remove equipment or supplies from the room.5. Take any unnecessary risks! If you are unsure of something, DON’T DO IT! Always see me and ASK! ASK! ASK!

*At the end of each class, clean and return your equipment. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before leaving each day. Unfortunately, these safety rules are not complete so verbal instructions or rules may be added throughout the term.* I need your help to create a safe environment. It is YOUR obligation to report any concerns or suggestions to me immediately.

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