Sketchbook Assignments

Sketchbook Assignment #1
Open and review examples for your assignment #1. Noodling and Doodling. Complete 4 different noodles and doodles drawings on one page. Use only a #2 pencil and be sure to write SB#1 on your page. I will grade this assignment Friday Oct 2nd.
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Sketchbook Assignment #2
You will need to look at these examples but can not copy them. Come up with 2 different Shape Clusters. You will need to have at least 5 images within each shape cluster. Lines only. Make them interesting and it should have a theme. Due this Friday.
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Sketchbook Assignment #3
Create 5 thumbnail in your sketchbook of different designs focusing on organic shapes and including the Elements and Principles of Design. Make sure to shade each sketch with several different values to show depth. Once all 5 are complete you will need to show me so we can decide which one is the best design.

Sketchbook Assignment #4
You will need to create building blocks like the example. Take your first and last name and create your own building blocks. You can use the ideas from the examples. Your name should be at least 4 inches in height. Use a ruler if needed. Turn your page horizontally and make sure you put SB#3 on the page with the date. Due on Oct 16th.
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Sketchbook Assignment #5
SB#5 is called Silhouetting. Open you SB open to a new page and draw the first 20 objects that come to your mind. When drawing them vary the size of each and fill the entire page. Only draw the outline of each object. Once the outlines are complete you must use your ebony pencil to shade each object in by using each of the following methods. Hatching, Crosshatching, value scale and solid. Take a look at this example of the birds so that you understand that all of the page must be filled. The background should be shading in with a #4 value from your value scale. So the only white on your page should be in the objects of hatching and crosshatching and the value scale. I will grade this much harder that the previous 4 assignments. Make sure to make it creative and use your imagination.
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Sketchbook Assignment #6
Sketchbook #6 is called people. Drawing people is not easy but to start off you will draw a series of different people sketches. See the example below. Do not copy any of these examples you have to come up with your own people designs but you can use the shading techniques. You will need to name your all five series. In each series you need at least five people. All should fit on one page in your sketchbook.

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Sketchbook Assignment #7
Design, draw and shade in a color wheel in your sketchbook. You can research online different designs or come up with your own. You must include the following: Primary, secondary and intermediate colors. You may add more but it is up to you. Google color wheel designs on the internet for examples. You will work on this in class this week along side your fruit Project. This is due on Friday Nov. 20th at the end of class.

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Sketchbook Assignment #8
Sketchbook #8 is a outlined sketch of your Rodeo Art photo. Once you complete it show me to update your grade. Due Monday Dec. 7th. Once you have completed it you will begin drawing your Rodeo Art photo onto the grid.

Sketchbook #9
Sketchbook #9 is drawing a christmas card based on an artist drawing or painting style.
Chose one of these artist below and look up information and artworks by them at home.
If you got a holiday card from one of these artists what would it look like?
Pablo Picasso
Berthe Morisot
Salvador Dali
Georgia O’Keefe
Vincent Van Gogh
Frida Kahlo
Use a pencil or pen and can add colored pencil if you wish. Draw the front of your christmas card on one side of your sketchbook paper and your message on the back side of your paper. Make the message a holiday like saying and sign your name to to. This can be done in class only if you are done with your Rodeo Art first. This is homework this week. Use 1/2 a page or more for your drawing. I will take off if it is smaller. If you want to draw a box around it you can. Make it nice and you can add words or quotes from the artist if you want.
I should be able to see what artist style you used if not you did not capture the artist style. Look at more than three different artworks by your artist to determine the overall style or particular way the artist draws or paints.

Sketchbook #10
Sketchbook #10 is a 30-60 minute drawing of a closet. Get comfortable and draw everything you see in the closet. Draw all the outlines first, then add value(hatching, crosshatching or what you know) either with color pencils, pen or pencil. A mixture of all is fine or just choose one. It should take up most of your paper. I will grade it based on the following: size, outlines, value and if done on time.

Sketchbook #11
Sketchbook #11 is a comic strip. Create a 3 block comic strip. You choose the content and words. Be original no copying of current or old comic strips. Draw each box at least 2 inches x 2 inches. All three need to fit horizontal in your sketchbook. Include images in each box as well as a continuous dialogue. Keep it short. You should spend at least one hour total working on it. I will grade you on all the above.

Sketchbook #12
Sketchbook #12 will take you at least 1-1/2 hours to complete. Make sure you plan your time. You are to draw an entire room based on where you are sitting. Pick your spot and if you need to continue at a later time you angle should be the same. Draw all the outlines first then add the value. Look at the sample above. Take up the entire page in your sketchbook. Add color if you want and make sure you allow your self enough time.

Sketchbook #13 Draw what you hear....
This sketchbook assignment you will need to sit and listen. You will draw the sounds around you. You may use a pen or pencil. The entire page must be covered. This may take you several days worth of sounds to fill the page. The images you draw should reflect the sound. I will need to see at least 20 different sounds. If you hear a lawnmower you can draw the lawnmower and have a line that shows the variety. Like the examples abouve. Use your imagination. Due on 4/9/10

Sketchbook #14 Draw a friend...
You will need to draw a friend. Cover the entire page with pencil. Use your value scale and really take your time. This would be good if you have to stay afterschool one day or have the friend sit a pose for you over several days. You can take a photo of them so you can draw on your own time. You can draw either the head only or waist up. Due on 4/9/10.

Sketchbook #15 landscape
This sketchbook you will draw a landscape picture. You must add color. Use colored pencils or crayons. No markers or charcoal.
When finding a landscape it needs to have nature feel. Make sure you use the entire page and really take the time to draw what you see. Add shadows and value with your colors. You may need to take a picture or find a book with a nature scence in it. If you copy if from a book you must refernce it with title, date and artist. Due 4/9/10

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